For evolutionary reasons it made sense for our brains to always look for the negative; part of the protect and survive instinct. See the worst and prepare for it. But how is it impacting us now?
In our modern world, this evolutionary tendency to focus on the negative can limit our happiness and well-being.
It can lead to heightened stress, anxiety and a sense of dissatisfaction.
Think about it: How often do we dwell on what went wrong rather than what went right? How many times do we let fears and self judgement overshadow us? This brain bias can be a little simplistic and unhelpful for our modern life..
The good news is that we don't have to be slaves to our evolutionary programming.
Cognitive hypnotherapy is a powerful tool for rewiring negative thinking patterns and helping you break free.
We can uncover and challenge the negative beliefs and thought patterns that no longer serve us.
We can cultivate a more positive outlook on life and bring more of what truly matters into our lives..
Through hypnotherapy, we can train our brains to see the beauty and abundance in our lives, fostering greater resilience, gratitude and inner peace. And we tend to get more of what we expect.
Bring on the happiness... 😊