Welcome! I'm delighted you've found your way here. šŸ˜Š

Let me introduce you to what this is all about:Ā  it's about people having the best life possible. Something I am deeply passionate about.Ā  Yes, it might sound like a clichĆ©, but it's trueā€”we only have one life, one brief time on the planet and I feel we owe it to ourselves to make the most of it.Ā  Sometimes things get in the way and I have learnt there are ways we can smooth the path and greatly optimiseĀ our experience.Ā  Ā 

Through gentle and effective therapeutic intervention,Ā  enhancing our life and being happier is entirely within reach.Ā  Cognitive Hypnotherapy and Coaching are incredibly effective tools for making a real difference.

How does it work?

What does Hypnotherapy feel like?

Therapeutic, positive, enlightening, like weight has been lifted, kindness to yourself, empowering, hopeful, a shift.

As you go through change hypnotherapy doesn't feel like anything other than conscious. It works unconciously giving you a conscious experience.

After hypnotherapy you could say it's like coming to a new clearing in the woods.. you can see more, you have options and the path behind you of when you had the problem has just drifted into memory. It can feel as though you just naturally moved on with things for yourself. And you did.. with a few sign posts along the way.Ā 

Cognitive Hypnotherapy

In our journey through life, our experiences shape us, and our brains function as intricate pattern-making survival machines, diligently ensuring our safety and survival. Yet, this process can sometimes lead to mis-processing, resulting in undesired patterns within our capabilities, behaviours or mental state. Cognitive Hypnotherapy comprises a range of approaches designed to help release mis-processing and empower you to cultivate new behaviours, capabilities, and resourceful states of mind.

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My coaching style is centered around engaging in therapeutic conversations to uncover any limiting beliefs, blocks, and unhelpful thinking patterns that may be hindering you. By resolving these obstacles, we pave the way for you to tap into your inner wisdom, experience peace, clarity, and ultimately attain a resourceful state. It is in this resourceful state that everything in life tends to flow more smoothly and effortlessly. Utilizing the language model of neuro-linguistic programming (NLP), we can explore the deep structure of your emotional world through the lens of your language.

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About Sarah Pridham

I'm delighted to welcome you to my world! I'm 53 and a devoted mother to two fabulous teenagers and a contented resident of Leigh-On-Sea, Essex.Ā I have had previous careers in the corporate world and sales, but my true passion lies in personal growth and human happiness.

Ever since I immersed myself in Daniel Goleman's book on Emotional Intelligence 25 years ago, I've been captivated by exploring methodologies that lead to a high quality of life and fulfilment.Ā  I've trained with world leaders in the fields of Coaching, Neuro Linguistic Programming and Hypnotherapy and I have done extensive personal development work myself. I feel truly lucky to have found my way to a place in life where I am present, happy and grateful for my existence!

Really when you get to the heart šŸ’—Ā of it I just donā€™t want people to suffer in life and I have found that there is so much that we can do to master our own minds and have a better experience. I am thrilled to share my knowledge and tools with you.Ā Ā My approach is empathetic, and light-hearted and your empowerment is top of my list!Ā 


I have trained with Trevor Silvester, the Founder of Quest Cognitive Hypnotherapy and have completed a Diploma in Cognitive Hypnotherapy (National Council for Hypnotherapy, Hypnotherapy in Practice Diploma) . I am a Master Practitioner in NLP (Neuro-linguistic programming) which I have studied with both its creator Richard Bandler as well as at the Quest Institute. I have also trained with Paul McKenna and Michael Neill. I spent 13 years undergoing personal development and coaching within Landmark Education's renowned empowerment programmes.


  • Thank you just doesnā€™t seem enough to say for all the help youā€™ve given me so when I say thank you it come from my heart, which is now smiling, happy, calm and so much lighter and from my head which is now quiet (so blissfully quiet) relaxed and looking out at the world with so much more positivity. I feel like youā€™ve helped me find an amazing sparkly gift that makes me giggle and smile whenever I find myself using it. I now truly understand that my emotions are my own and I have the ability to nurture and care for them and bring them to an inner peace. I also know that everyone around me who has seen me falter and struggle recently will be saying a huge thank you to you as well, as they have the calm me back with some extra sprinkles of ā€œbetter meā€. Your passion for what you do and your positive energy are amazing, you truly have a gift and I appreciate you and your help massively. Thank you xxx
  • The audio worked brilliantly as I listened and then had the best nights sleep in ages. It has made a difference as I have attended two social events and have noticed a difference. I am quite happy with the progress so far [and then several weeks later..] It worked. I hoped it would but as it was new to me I wasn't sure it would. I'm much more able to talk to others not known to me at events.
  • Sarah has been there for me 100% at a really challenging time of my time. I have been suffering with OCD and anxiety and Sarah's commitment to me has gone above and beyond in helping me through this difficult time. Her warmth, friendly smile and the positive energy that flows through her help lighten my load and she has also made me realise I can get better! Her knowledge and experience shine through, her bespoke meditations are exceptional and you really feel that you are in a safe pair of hands with Sarah. And also someone who cares about you and your journey. Thank-you for being my biggest cheerleader Sarah.
  • Sarah is an incredibly talented hypnotherapist and was able to understand exactly how my mind was responding to some of the interactive elements, I felt incredibly understood and appreciated how intuitive she is. If you're secretly nervous about networking, you'll definitely come away from this with a new perspective.
  • I just wanted to say thank you for the zoom session today, It was truly interesting and inspiring! Iā€™m excited to put everything I learned into action. Thank you so much for your wonderful guidance and for being so lovely throughout the call!
  • Sarah's session on Impostor Syndrome was fantastic. Not only was it great to understand a bit more about what might be driving my imposter syndrome, but to walk away with several useful tools to use in networking scenarios was priceless. Sarah herself was friendly and engaging; she made a complex subject matter easy to access and made me feel like I wasn't the only one struggling with this! Thanks so much Sarah - this was a game changer.
  • I had a workshop with Sarah today and the only word that comes to mind is wow! She is so passionate about helping people find their voice. Her energy rubs off on you. šŸ˜€ She explains things so clearly and the tasks are very thought provoking. I've come away with a strapline explaining what I offer and a new passion to go out there and tell everyone about what I do! 100% highly recommend Sarah's workshop
  • I recently attended an online workshop with Sarah from Happy Life Hypnotherapy focusing on building confidence in businesswomen, and it was an absolute game-changer for me. Her passion and dedication in helping people just shines through her whole being. She provided me with invaluable guidance in crafting a professional statement I can use at networking events. Before attending, I was struggling to articulate what I do in a way that truly stood out, and it certainly didnā€™t have the wow factor. With her expert guidance, I found clarity and confidence like never before. I feel my statement now truly reflects my passion and expertise and will also resonate deeply with my target audience. The workshop was not only informative but also deeply empowering. Sarahā€™s approach is refreshingly uplifting and positive. She also combines little calming techniques that are very effective in resetting the body. I highly recommend Sarah and this workshop to any businesswoman looking to elevate their confidence and clarity in communicating their professional identity. I know feel more confident than ever toĀ shareĀ myĀ magic.
  • Thank you so much for today. I havenā€™t actually had time to digest all of it. But what I can say is that your words are just whirling around in my head, I canā€™t think of anything else! I can see (already) some small but big impacting changes I can make. Some other changes will take time, BUT, the biggest message I got from today was ā€œbe kind to meā€ and I get it. You are a very empowering woman. One Iā€™m incredibly grateful to have met. šŸ˜˜šŸ˜˜šŸ˜˜šŸ˜˜šŸ˜
  • I approached Sarah feeling overwhelmed and uncertain about my marriage and future. In just one session her coaching provided me with a newfound clarity and insight, instilling hope where I had previously felt disheartened. Her empathetic and empowering approach not only helped me gain perspective and clarity but also prompted a significant shift in my mindset. I left our session equipped with a new effective communication style that has sparked realisations for both my husband and myself. Our future feels back on track, and I'm filled with a renewed sense of happiness and optimism.  
  • It's really quite extraordinary how this works. My issue is resolved and I'm just in a new normal. It's so unconcious. I highly recommend Sarah; her level of tailoring the process to me and exactly how my brain works was so evident. It felt like we were in it together and the level of support was just incredible.  
  • Sarah is a phenomenal therapist and coach. She really makes me feel like sheā€™s on my team and wants whatā€™s best for me. Her enthusiasm for my mental health improvement was exceptional and I felt very safe being vulnerable with her. The techniques, tools and personalised meditation recordings really helped, and Iā€™m now feeling much better within myself and I am looking forward to a more positive future. I would highly recommend Sarah to anyone looking for a therapistĀ orĀ coach.
  • I have never felt so understood in my life!  
  • Sarah helped me so much, Iā€™m forever grateful. It really does go in, almost without you knowing, and gives you the tools when those anxious feelings arise. Itā€™s hypno magic! The therapy has helped me to let go and be confident again.


Contact me to arrange a free consultation on 07795 572031 or email so we can work out if this is a good fit for you.