Welcome! I'm delighted you've found your way here.
Let me introduce you to what this is all about: it's about people having the best life possible. Something I am deeply passionate about. Yes, it might sound like a cliché, but it's true—we only have one life, one brief time on the planet and I feel we owe it to ourselves to make the most of it. Sometimes things get in the way and I have learnt there are ways we can smooth the path and greatly optimise our experience.
Through gentle and effective therapeutic intervention, enhancing our life and being happier is entirely within reach. Cognitive Hypnotherapy and Coaching are incredibly effective tools for making a real difference.
How does it work?
We talk to you about how and where your issues are happening to gain understanding in what is holding you back and how your brain is putting things together. Maybe there are some long held beliefs or something from the past that is impacting you without you even being aware of it or maybe you have just developed habits that no longer serve you.. we will ask the right questions to reveal what is hidden from your view. Many people find even this process begins to facilitate change.
We will then use gentle techniques such as Neurolingistic programming, Timeline Therapy, Precision Questioning and Positive Psychology to intervene, reframe and redirect your brain processing so that you have access to new resources in thinking and acting. Think of this like a software update for you brain.
We will reinforce your new positive beliefs, mindset and behaviours through positive hypnotherapy suggestions delivered in person to you in session and then will give your own bespoke personal hypnotherapy audio track designed in the language your brain prefers so that you can relax and support your unconscious in it's new learning at the same time.
What does Hypnotherapy feel like?
Therapeutic, positive, enlightening, like weight has been lifted, kindness to yourself, empowering, hopeful, a shift.
As you go through change hypnotherapy doesn't feel like anything other than conscious. It works unconciously giving you a conscious experience.
After hypnotherapy you could say it's like coming to a new clearing in the woods.. you can see more, you have options and the path behind you of when you had the problem has just drifted into memory. It can feel as though you just naturally moved on with things for yourself. And you did.. with a few sign posts along the way.
About Sarah Pridham
I'm delighted to welcome you to my world! I'm 53 and a devoted mother to two fabulous teenagers and a contented resident of Leigh-On-Sea, Essex. I have had previous careers in the corporate world and sales, but my true passion lies in personal growth and human happiness.
Ever since I immersed myself in Daniel Goleman's book on Emotional Intelligence 25 years ago, I've been captivated by exploring methodologies that lead to a high quality of life and fulfilment. I've trained with world leaders in the fields of Coaching, Neuro Linguistic Programming and Hypnotherapy and I have done extensive personal development work myself. I feel truly lucky to have found my way to a place in life where I am present, happy and grateful for my existence!
Really when you get to the heart of it I just don’t want people to suffer in life and I have found that there is so much that we can do to master our own minds and have a better experience. I am thrilled to share my knowledge and tools with you. My approach is empathetic, and light-hearted and your empowerment is top of my list!
I have trained with Trevor Silvester, the Founder of Quest Cognitive Hypnotherapy and have completed a Diploma in Cognitive Hypnotherapy (National Council for Hypnotherapy, Hypnotherapy in Practice Diploma) . I am a Master Practitioner in NLP (Neuro-linguistic programming) which I have studied with both its creator Richard Bandler as well as at the Quest Institute. I have also trained with Paul McKenna and Michael Neill. I spent 13 years undergoing personal development and coaching within Landmark Education's renowned empowerment programmes.