Welcome! I'm delighted you've found your way here.
Let me introduce you to what this is all about: it's about people having the best life possible. Something I am deeply passionate about. Yes, it might sound like a cliché, but it's true—we only have one life, one brief time on the planet and I feel we owe it to ourselves to make the most of it. Sometimes things get in the way and I have learnt there are ways we can smooth the path and greatly optimise our experience.
Through gentle and effective therapeutic intervention, enhancing our life and being happier is entirely within reach. Cognitive Hypnotherapy and Coaching are incredibly effective tools for making a real difference.
About Sarah Pridham
I'm 52 and a devoted mother to two delightful children and a contented resident of Leigh-On-Sea, Essex.
Whilst I have had previous careers in the corporate world and sales, my true passion lies in personal growth and human happiness. Ever since I immersed myself in Daniel Goleman's book on Emotional Intelligence 25 years ago, I've been captivated by exploring methodologies that lead to a high quality of life and fulfilment.
My approach as a therapist/coach is grounded, empathetic, and light-hearted. I want my sessions to leave clients feeling lighter and reassured about the possibilities that lie ahead.
I've trained with world leaders in the fields of coaching, Neuro Linguistic Programming and Hypnotherapy and I have done extensive personal development work myself. I feel truly lucky to have found my way to a place in life where I am present, happy and grateful for my existence!
Really when you get to the heart of it I just don’t want anyone to suffer in life and I am a champion of people!

I have trained with Trevor Silvester, the Founder of Quest Cognitive Hypnotherapy and have completed a Diploma in Cognitive Hypnotherapy (National Council for Hypnotherapy, Hypnotherapy in Practice Diploma) . I am a Master Practitioner in NLP (Neuro-linguistic programming) which I have studied with both its creator Richard Bandler as well as at the Quest Institute. I have also trained with Paul McKenna and Michael Neill. I spent 13 years undergoing personal development and coaching within Landmark Education's renowned empowerment programmes.